Thursday, April 7, 2011

it's yo birfday

happy, happy birthday, dear mother-in-law! i am so thankful for you for many reasons!

#1. you raised such a precious, awesome man! i am SO thankful for everything you taught charlie about God: listening to Him and having a relationship with Him. it's created the foundation for our 13+ years of friendship.

#2. Not to mentioned the rest of the great family you are such a firm foundation for. I appreciate how much you love them and courageously fight for them to fulfill everything God has for them. You're a great mama.

#3. And you welcomed me into the family! You were my first friend and confidant in Louisiana, and I will always appreciate our long talks. You have such a great way with people... making them feel special and important and like God cares about them, too. Thanks for the many times you've let me laugh, cry, and "work" with you!

We love you, Mrs. Annie/Mom/Mimi/Gammy! Happy happy birthday! We're so blessed to be a part of your family!

1 comment:

  1. aww shoot. thanks totogal ;) i'll never forget our little aol im chats when you were just a kid, and then the first time you walked in my kitchen with your beautiful self and i asked you how tall you were and you said five twelve and i tried to figure it out, lol! and i still like talking to you too:)


The Loups

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My best friend Charlie and I moved from the deep South to the great North for me to go to graduate school at the University of Minnesota. I earned a Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics, and we've moved back to Louisiana. I'm a dietitian who wants to help people improve their quality of life through healthy eating! We love adventures, traveling, food and family. We have two dogs: our corgi Punkin and our lab goofy Rufus. We are very blessed to be in love and to walk through life together!

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