Thursday, April 14, 2011

can't... stop... blogging....

so, i suppose the official 30-day challenge is over. but i still feel this need to blog for some reason. i don't even really have anything to say!

it's been fun to blog. at first i didn't really have anything to say, but as we went along i would think of things during the day that could possibly make a nice little anecdote or thought. i love reading back on old blogs. just like any old journal... i don't know why i like it so much. maybe because i have a poor memory and need it to be jogged from time to time.

apparently someone has hacked into and stolen my old hotmail address. i have SO MANY old emails and memories in there. it makes me sad to delete it... but someone keeps spamming people even though i deleted my address book. i can't bear to erase it :( my oooooold emails from charlie are in there! including... the pictures and emails of the birthday cake charlie cooked me for my 21st birthday in costa rica. how can i possibly delete that from my life? ever?


  1. Steph!! You HAVE to find a way to print all of that out before you delete! And maybe you could make a big frame like Nic and Crystal's?

  2. hmm. try this!


The Loups

My photo
My best friend Charlie and I moved from the deep South to the great North for me to go to graduate school at the University of Minnesota. I earned a Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics, and we've moved back to Louisiana. I'm a dietitian who wants to help people improve their quality of life through healthy eating! We love adventures, traveling, food and family. We have two dogs: our corgi Punkin and our lab goofy Rufus. We are very blessed to be in love and to walk through life together!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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