Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Morning conversations

"Have a good day, honey"
"You, too Charlie... drive safe! {hug} and drink enough water so you're not grumpy when you get home!"
"Yep. You eat enough food* so YOU'RE not grumpy when I get home."
"Okay love you, bye!"

We're weird. 

Also, I decided today that if I were a Disney princess I'd be Sleeping Beauty. Mostly because of the sleep thing. 

I stared at my calendar almost all of my Epidemiology class this morning. I just can't believe it. Next weekend I leave for Washington DC. Two weeks after that it's finals. The day after finals Melissa and I are going on a vacay! (Yay!) And then I'm sure I'll start my summer rotation soon after that. I'm... practically finished with my first year of school. It's so weird! I feel like I need to learn SO MUCH MORE. It was a scaryscary move, but now it feels like home.

 *Ps... I don't not eat. I eat a lot. I do, however, sometimes wait too long between meals and get low blood sugar. Just to clarify. I am very grumpy when I have low blood sugar. Ask Charlie.*


  1. Silly girl! You forgot to add dat Gran Isle trip to da schedule. You betta add dat in.

  2. Stephan... You're gonna get your way and be the princess who is named solely on her beauty... Also, I've noticed that you've failed to mention the grand isle trip in which you've promised me for the upcoming weeks. Don't get pissed, I'm coming see you this summer.Definitely, maybe...

  3. I do that ALL THE TIME. and I get a bad headache if i wait too long to eat.


The Loups

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My best friend Charlie and I moved from the deep South to the great North for me to go to graduate school at the University of Minnesota. I earned a Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics, and we've moved back to Louisiana. I'm a dietitian who wants to help people improve their quality of life through healthy eating! We love adventures, traveling, food and family. We have two dogs: our corgi Punkin and our lab goofy Rufus. We are very blessed to be in love and to walk through life together!

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