Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dear Darth Vegar,

Happy Birfday! I think it must be our birfday and that's why we have to wear this hat. Why else would we have to wear it?

I definitely think I have too many sisters.

This doesn't scream "manly". But I love you Darth Vegar. Happy Birthday. Love, Goof-Sky-Puppy

"I'm not wearing it!"

"You're mean. I'm just going to wiggle."

"I guess I'll do anything for food."

1 comment:

  1. ahahahahah!! Darth Vegar and Moowok were so confused when they wore their hats. Moowok loved it! Vegar thought that we were finally giving her the crown that she so rightfully deserved (she thinks that she is Princess Vega, but she had joined the dark side, so I had to explain to her that it wasn't so.)
    Goof sky-puppy looks so handsome in his hat! and P2B2 looks so beautiful! Kiss her mole!


The Loups

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My best friend Charlie and I moved from the deep South to the great North for me to go to graduate school at the University of Minnesota. I earned a Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics, and we've moved back to Louisiana. I'm a dietitian who wants to help people improve their quality of life through healthy eating! We love adventures, traveling, food and family. We have two dogs: our corgi Punkin and our lab goofy Rufus. We are very blessed to be in love and to walk through life together!

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