Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hey, Duck!

Someone just called and offered me a grant for some of my living expenses this summer!! And an iPad?

Lately Charlie has been on a duck kick. He wants us to have ducks when we have a house/big yard again.  He was thinking chickens for a long time, but he found out that ducks are cleaner, smarter, lay more eggs, and are just plain cuter. So he's been reading up about ducks and dreaming about our future with them.
Apparently they are good watch-dogs AND can understand simple commands like "Go to bed, ducks" or "It's time to eat, Ducks." AND they have personalities. Chickens do not have personalities.
Considering ducks fall into the goofy-looking-animal category... I am ALL on board with this idea.
I think Punkin is the most excited though. (You know how she is.) She's even already named them all. Duck. Jemima Puddle-Duck. Flava-Flave. and Sir Quacks-a-Lot. She's full of creativity.

NO LIE this is the kind of duck Charlie wants us to get:

Me=SO excited!!


  1. haha. my uncle has been raising ducks lately. i'm sure charlie could call him up and get all sort of funny advice. they follow him around like he's their mother.

  2. My friend Andy Gremillion, who lived on Bueche road when I was kid, had a bunch of ducks, and they did all of these things and were awesome. I always thought they were going to bite me, but it never happened.

  3. My Great-Grandma had ducks for years and years, but one day some Hollywood producers drove by and offered to buy all of them for a movie. (the perks of living in L.A. back in the day!) Now they live on forever in the "Red-Sea-crossing" scene of The Ten Commandments (you know, the 1956 classic?) :) Raise some ducks! You'll never know what can happen!

  4. (also- I never knew you could eat duck eggs!??!) cool!

  5. I want that duck. I can't believe Pernkin knows who flava flave is.

  6. that is the handsomest duck alive. frisky will be so proud of her duckling brothers and sisters :b

  7. That is ONE of the ducks I want, but there are many. Did Pernky write this blog?

  8. I used to have two ducks. Did Charlie ever tell you that?


The Loups

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My best friend Charlie and I moved from the deep South to the great North for me to go to graduate school at the University of Minnesota. I earned a Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics, and we've moved back to Louisiana. I'm a dietitian who wants to help people improve their quality of life through healthy eating! We love adventures, traveling, food and family. We have two dogs: our corgi Punkin and our lab goofy Rufus. We are very blessed to be in love and to walk through life together!

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