Punkin has trained us to pet her. She barks or purrrrs every time we stop until we start petting her again. She was kind of wound up and wild when I took this video... hopefully I can catch her sometime when she's being more agreeable. Punkin-pie. She's too camera-shy.
They're self-admittedly terrible. But since we don't get to see Fox enough, he might as well know we're 1) obsessed with our dogs and 2) way too goofy.
I can't wait till January when I get to see that kid!
But it's true. At our late-lunch, Charlie and I talked about what we're especially thankful for this year. As opposed to last year, when Charlie was working for Cabella's (and had his self-proclaimed worst-day-of-his-life on Black Friday just last year), this year, he is thankful for his job and ALL the amazing things he's learned there. Chickens. Maple Syruping. Raising honey bees. Farming organically. Making candles out of bee's wax. Things started out rough for him when we moved here, but he's thriving now. Thank you, God.
And for me... where do I start? Gosh. Just a few weeks ago, I wasn't sure if I would make it through my program. I honestly thought I might fail out of school. But now, thanks to God, I'm feeling better. And ohmygosh. My professors and advisor and friends from school just amazed me with their grace toward me in extending deadlines and taking notes for me when I missed class. Somehow, amidst all of that, I got offered another teaching assistantship for next year. Only God. And having a happy husband... and my two furry babies... and getting to go home for a month... I am so blessed.
A friend recently said that she wished the year started with Thanksgiving. It does make a lot of sense... to start the year putting yourself in your place... realizing everything you have and everything you've been given. But at least this is how we start the Holidays. Thanksgiving leads into the Christmas season which leads into the New Year. Yes, it's a good time to reflect and start preparing our hearts for the greatest reason of all we have to be thankful.
I love this photo collage. It captured the moment so well. The fall colors. Rufus running frantically. Punkin hiding in the weeds that were exactly her height. It just looks like a Minnesota day on Charlie's farm.
Maybe I AM a country girl? I love these little moments.
My heart is so heavy.
God put a few different people on my heart this morning. Genuinely and strongly.
Hey all my sisters. I love each of you so much.
Crystal with your creativity and wisdom and ability to talk to people--REALLY talk to them and want to hear what they have to say. (and I'm not gonna lie.. my hair needs you, too!)
Susan with your brilliant mind and the way you think about the rest of the world with every decision you make. Your friendship...
Risa with your beautiful, joyful spirit. The way you approach life and the way you love people. It's beautiful.
And Stacy with your fire and drive to bring justice into the world! I see you learning to live life cohesively .. drawing from what you've learned to help others.
Sisters... my prayer for all of you is that you will be able to clearly hear the voice of God and follow it... that you will find so much fulfillment in what God has called you to do. That your lives would be joyful and led by the Spirit. Full of tears when the time calls for it.. but filled with even more laughter.
I know this is probably cheesy, but God has put all of you on my heart! And I just love you all so much!
apparently it's true that Minnesotans have to relearn how to drive in the snow every year because it was a MADHOUSE out there. Charlie didn't even make it to work today because it would have taken him over 2 hours to get there. My 15-20 minute bus-ride took a full 45 minutes. Car wrecks. Cars sliding. Wheels spinning. Craziness. SO GLAD I HAVE A BUS PASS. wild.
Thy don't carry Sun-In in the state of Minnesota, either. My mouse-colored hair needs some sunshine.
Today I took a 10 question "quiz" that covered ALL the information that is going to be on our test on Tuesday. Huh. That makes a lot of sense. I didn't pass the quiz. Because I haven't studied for the test yet.
I don't feel like doing homework. I'm really glad I'm feeling better because my semester just took off at about 300mph. I do homework... all the time. Except when I avoid it by doing stuff like this or playing on my new iPhone (Eeeek! Shout-out to all my Loups for getting it for me!)
It's going to be Thanksgiving in one blink of the eye and Christmas by two blinks. And then in 3 I'll be finished with school. And Yarissa and I will be doing this:
I feel like since my blog is my time capsule I should write about the election last night. Wow. What an incredibly charged topic! I have read some really hurtful things from both sides... I have also read some really inspiring things from both sides.
I think that's my problem, though. I hate the whole "sides" thing. It really presents such an "us versus them" mentality that I don't think is even close to being healthy. I think having two parties is healthy... I think balance is always good... but I can't stand hearing people call people in the "other" group ignorant, lazy, stupid, or racist. (Or un-Christian). (I don't like that either).
We have to pull together and work together. If only the Church would be the leader and example on how to do that. If only we actually took care of the poor instead of pointing fingers at them. If only we truly lived out our "pro-life" stance throughout ALL of life (meaning: life doesn't end when a baby is born. He or she needs a home, love, nourishment (of all sorts), guidance and access to health and education until they die). If only we didn't believe in the death penalty. (How many second-chances has God given you?)
Obama got re-elected last night against Mitt Romney. Let's pray for him. Let's pray the church can rise up and be the Church that represents a God who is so full of compassion and mercy and healing and non-judgment. No, he's not going to be a perfect leader. But he IS our leader for the next 4 years.
Loup-family Watch-party on the air mattress in our living room :)
Well, I have sure been quite an absent blogger lately.
My heart is so heavy today. This morning, three of the people closest to me texted me very, very sad things. Charlie let me know that the secretary/administrator for the Horticulture department at LSU just passed away. Charlie was very close to her... she was a kind, vivacious lady. He was going to visit her this winter break to catch up and see her. Life is so finite.
Two other of my besties also texted me really hard things. It's so hard to watch people you love struggle and get hurt by people who are careless with others' hearts.
So this music video is a little strange, but I like the concept. Who do you think you are, running 'round leaving scars? Collecting your jar of hearts? Tearing love apart?
Thank you, God for being our security, our identity, and our comfort when bad things happen.
Ephesians 6:10-18 (The Message)
God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.
13-18 Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.
My best friend Charlie and I moved from the deep South to the great North for me to go to graduate school at the University of Minnesota. I earned a Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics, and we've moved back to Louisiana. I'm a dietitian who wants to help people improve their quality of life through healthy eating!
We love adventures, traveling, food and family. We have two dogs: our corgi Punkin and our lab goofy Rufus.
We are very blessed to be in love and to walk through life together!