Happy Father's Day!!
do you remember (the first?) wedding you officiated? And you were slightly nervous so you decided to practice on us? I kind of regret having this picture, but I feel fairly certain that's what this picture is of (sans Susan). I am the man (with the mustache), Susan was the woman, and Stacy was their child. You let us be ridiculously silly while you officiated our wedding, but you played along with us, and we had a great family afternoon (even with all the terrible jokes about us needing to "dew-dew" during the Dew's wedding!)
That's the kind of daddy you are! The absolute PERFECT daddy for 3 girls.
I'm so thankful for you. I know so many other girls who have "daddy" issues for whatever reason... but you gave me such a great picture of a Father's love... you are (and were) endlessly patient, silly along with the rest of us, and wise. I feel like you have every answer to every question... ever. :)
You are also inspiring. I'm so proud of how you follow your dreams. I can't imagine balancing a family, a full-time job at the church, and a master's program all at once. But you did it, and did it well. I can't WAIT to celebrate your PhD!! I know the work you are doing is so important and will benefit the Church! It's a special thing to watch your parents make sacrifices in order to follow God.
Thanks for passing all of that along to us. I'm so thankful you encouraged me to follow my dreams and the calling God has placed on my life. I'm so excited you get to be there on Charlie and my first step toward our big move!
Remember how you used to take me on dates? And you'd open the car door for me and open the doors at the restaurant (even if it was McDonald's) and then you'd give me a talk about the type of man I should marry... how he should be kind and love God and that I shouldn't settle for anything else? Thank you for your talks :)
Look what those talks got you!!!! :D A Loup-y man who fits great into our family! The son you never had! haha (Besides Al, of course!)
I love you, Daddy.
So very, very much!
3 days ago
I love this. You are truly a blessed daughter, and it makes me so happy that my grandchildren will have such a wonderful grandfather:) Love you!