i've had a lot on my mind lately. and i seem to have a snowball effect... when i have a lot on my mind it opens doors to other things and then i have increasingly more and more stuff rolling around in my head.
all this wedding stuff has me thinking about american consumerism. it makes me so sad for the culture we've built here of "i deserve this, and i deserve it now." but it comes at the cost of debt and non-responsibility. and it comes with the thought that we don't have to work our way up... we can all start at the top. i believe we call that -entitlement-. i'm very okay with the thought that i start off with a trailer and ugly used furniture and our used vehicles and eating ramen noodles and eggs and fish charlie catches for a few years. and the veggies he grows. i'm okay with not having the best of the -best- at 22 years old.
we're going to WORK for what we get. and that is going to give us an appreciation for what we have. why do i want to start off with thousands and thousands of dollars in debt? it's limiting. it will resrtict what charlie and i can or cannot do.
someone even suggested to me that i take out a LOAN to provide alcohol for my wedding. riiiight.
i'm frusterated at the state we're in.
and it KILLS me that i heard a christian i know say that the swine flu must be God's judgment on mexico. UGH. don't get me started on that. first of all... i don't really think that God's into that whole judgment thing (for now) (one day, but not now.) because of a little someone i like to call JESUS. some things just happen because God set up order on the earth. some things like disease just happen because we live in a fallen world. we have governments who can't (or won't?) provide healthcare for its people. (all of its peple.) but when i look in the Bible.. for instance at the plagues God sent to the egyptians... it wasn't on the poor/oppressed israelites... the plagues were on the oppressors. they went to the king, himself. do YOU think swine flu is killing ANYONE rich or in power? do a little research.
i would suggest that maybe we need the heat turned up on us a little. and you know, i wouldn't even really say it's because of " those crazy liberals" in office... or because some states are trying to pass gay marriage (which i DO believe breaks God's heart)... but no. i don't believe people who don't know his way or his truth can be judged for not understanding his way or his truth (there are consequences, yes... because the truth and order God set up... His principles are always the way that works. they are always our best option. things in opposition to it have consequences) but i think only christians are held to the standard for now.
God is about redemption. and no one is past the redeemable stage. no one. nothing. it's His heart and His purpose. i'm tired of american christianity. ego-centric. demanding.
no thank you.
God's way is bigger. so much bigger.
Spaced Invaders (Film Review)
2 days ago
hmmmm... didn't work on mozilla still... test run with internet explorer. good to talk to you today! can't wait to see you in 2 weeks. i'm proud of you for trying to live the "third way".