I haven't blogged in so long. And it's honestly not for lack of things to say.
Maybe that's usually how blogging works? The busier you are (aka the more that's happening) the less time you have to tell people what's happening?
I just finished my 3rd week of work. (I start my 4th tomorrow--although I don't know if the first week counts at all since I was in "orientation" which consisted of a lot of... sitting?)
The last 2 weeks have been crazy-busy as I've been trying to catch up on 1) the fact that there has never been a full-time dietitian on staff at my work and 2) there has been NO dietitian at all for around the last 2 months. So I've spent tons of time charting on patients and trying to get up-to-date on that.
But then there's this wholllllllle dietary side? That totally and completely freaks me out; and I feel incompetent to "fix" it. Details will make you want to scratch your eyes out, but let's just say I have a LOT of work to do.
And I seriously have to take deep breaths and close my eyes and pray and sometimes put a quick relaxation youtube video on during my self-imposed break at work to stop freaking out. About how much I need to "fix".
And it's for exactly the reason I went to school and decided that the University of Minnesota who offered Public Health with nutrition was the place for me. (If you don't know, I'm working at a state-run long-term care facility--read:nursing home--for mostly mental health patients). I'm working with rural and disadvantaged populations. I'm working with mental health. I'm working with people who can't always stand up for themselves and voice their needs. I watched a lady who couldn't talk work for over a minute trying to cut a shrimp with a spoon so it could be the "chopped meats" texture she needs it to be to not choke. It was on her diet card, but it wasn't served that way. I also alllllmost gagged when I *looked* at the pureed consistency food. But maybe I'd do that anywhere..?
All that to say, I am thrilled God placed me where He placed me. WHATEVER I do there, it will be all Him. His solutions, His ideas, His work through me, because.... well... I'm just a new grad who doeeeeeesn't always know what she's doing (Boy, I hope my work doesn't read this?! haha) God doesn't call us to things bigger than we can handle. Well He DOES--but not things bigger than He can do through us. Yes.
Spaced Invaders (Film Review)
2 days ago
Isn't it just awesome to be able to fully realize that any good we do is because of Him? I totally get what you're saying. And I too, am thrilled to be where I am, but it sure isn't easy. But I think that's the beauty of it...in the challenges, in the difficulty, we see Him at work through us. So thrilled to hear this update and to hear that you're doing well, sweet friend. Love you much!